Let's improve the Juvix user experience by providing a single command for the main installation while including clear instructions for any further steps required to set up dependencies, for which call…
The latest version (on main) doesn't parse the files we generate anymore. It complains:
no symbol named "FUNC" in "GEB.LAMBDA.SPEC"
The input format should be specified somewhere, and …
> ⚠️ There's a failing test case demonstrating this bug in https://github.com/anoma/juvix/tree/import-nested-module-bug
> specifically see: https://github.com/anoma/juvix/blob/38be0c14019f2454afcca1…
Just like we provide the option to install Juvix from the VSCode extension, we should also offer the possibility to install VampIR in the same way. To achieve this, we can probably modify the lines in…
Introduce a new REPL command, `:inspect`, followed by a symbol name, allowing users to view and learn the actual Juvix term definition for the specified symbol, and possibly descovering nice treasures…
[CosmWASM](https://cosmwasm.com/) is a WASM runtime for many Cosmos ecosystem blockchains, including [Osmosis](https://docs.osmosis.zone/) and [Nyx](https://blog.nymtech.net/nym-now-supports-smart-con…
The entire file text disappears.
They are too dark, badly visible. In the dark mode, all fonts should always have light colors, so one can easily see them.
The following T1 is not strictly positive, but it type checks atm (v0.3.2).
Notice the alias converts to T0 putting T1 in a negative position.
-- tests/negative/Internal/Positivity/E10.…
Compare the following Juvix file before and after formatting (The `$` symbol in the output of `cat` indicates the end of the line):
$ cat -e Example.juvix
module Example;$
open i…