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- [x] LGM-SOC'21 Participant
- [ ] DevIncept Participant
- [x] Contributor
In this I will create a model for classifying whether a sentence is a question or a statement..
I can not get the camera(s) on my SP6 working.
I've gone through all the other camera related issues I could find, upgraded my kernel, enabled every kernel config option I could find that seemed r…
As an **LGM SoC'21 Participant**, I want to add **Pandas - Basics** in this repo.
Can you assign me to do it?
Would like to add some kind of hover effect on the hamburger icon, under GSSOC' 21.
It might enhance the UI of the page.
@Niketkumardheeryan I am a participant of LGM SoC'21. Kindly assign me this issue. Really interested in working for it.
Define You:
- [ ] LGM-SOC'21 Participant
- [✔] DevIncept Participant
- [ ] Contributor
I am Meet Vaddoriya
I'm a DevIncept Participant
I would like to contribute my work on WebScraping…
Hey! I am Om Agrawal, the LGM-SoC'21 participant.
Kindly assign me this issue.
Please can you assign this to me under LGM SOC'21?
Hey @yashsehgal @atharvagadkari05
I wish to add different hovering effects to buttons.
kindly assign this issue to me under LGM SOC '21 .
Solved Question 112A of Codeforces in c++