Gossip message validation during block production can cause delay in broadcasting blocks to a point where it could be rejected with the invalid-time error
The following log shows this:
Tasks :
- [ ] manage pod keys
- [x] ontologies
- https://w3id.org/security : Proof, VerificationMethod, proofValue
- http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/cert : PrivateKey, PublicKey, key (used fo…
Future proof this in case Nips makes new friends by implanting a BAC sensor in Nips body and have it report to the site
Future improvements could potentially include real time tracking of Nips loca…
I tried to activate neon glow by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+P and choosing to enable neon glow. But getting the 'Something went wrong error'. Didn't able to trace the issue.
**Motivation**: Given that [Zero Trust architectures](https://www.nist.gov/publications/zero-trust-architecture) are becoming mandated by nation-states, most, if not all, Zero Trust architecture use c…
Both MPP generator tool and Integration tests does stake & mint and redeem & unstake flow.
In MPP generator tool Gateway and CoGateway interaction methods has been refactored to helper…
## Returned Parameter Is Not Found
### Location
### **Impact**
Should not …
ATM trying to hit `/download/` endpoint for an asset with zarr instead of blob would result in `400 Bad Request`.
- go to sample dandiset with zarr folder: https://dandiarchive.org/dandiset/…
YARP provides precise location information for any number of things in its AST, which is great! But each of those locations on a 64-bit platform costs 16 bytes, which means every YARP node (`yp_node_…
The [new version](https://leanprover.github.io/theorem_proving_in_lean/) of the tutorial includes type information on mouse hover. This is a great feature, but there is a bug, which manifests itself w…