FlixScans (Action)
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://flixscans.org/webtoons/action/home
- Manga List: https://flixscans.org/webtoons/action/latest
- Manga example:…
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://rawotaku.com/home/
- Manga List: https://rawotaku.com/raw-manga/
- Manga example: https://rawotaku.com/read/%E3%82%BE%E3%83%B3100…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://hanman18.com/
- Manga List: https://hanman18.com/mangalist.html
- Manga example: https://hanman18.com/manhwa/m…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://blogtruyen.vn
- Manga List: https://blogtruyen.vn/danhsach/tatca
- Manga example: https://blogtruyen.vn/4…
**Name of the website**
ID Qidian
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://www.idqidian.us/
- Manga List: https://www.idqidian.us/daftar-novel/
- Manga example: https://www.idqidian.us…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://zcymh.com/
- Manga List: https://zcymh.com/shudan/9/%E5%85%A8%E9%83%A8/3/1.html
- Manga example: http://zcymh…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://syosetu.se/
- Manga List: https://syosetu.se/list/
- Manga example: https://syosetu.se/%e3%82%a2%e3%82%aa%e3%82…
**Name of the website**
U-NEXT comic
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://video.unext.jp/
- Manga List: https://video.unext.jp/book/genre/comic
- Manga example: https://video.unext…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://hwago.id/
- Manga List: https://hwago.id/all-komik/
- Manga example: https://hwago.id/komik/santa-industries/
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://www.lalatoon.com/en
- Manga List:https://www.lalatoon.com/en/webtoon/recent
- Manga example: https://www.lalat…