File "/opt/miscale/Xiaomi_Scale.py", line 181, in ,
Traceback (most recent call last):,
File "/opt/miscale/Xiaomi_Scale.py", line 174, in main,
File "/…
I've just started to use OpenMQTTGateway and use the current master branch (as of yesterday). Home-Assistant is also up to date (0.107.1). MQTT Auto-Discovery is used for a bunch of other sensors and …
is the Xiaomi miscale 2 supported (the version with body fat measurements)??
I have one of them here and I only get the following error when starting the gateway in debug mode:
I'm seeing this under what is sent...
Sent data to topic miScale/Meghan/weight: {"Weight":"20.5…
I updated the maj. Since if the balance does not communicate BT-GATEWAY no longer works. I have to connect it for it to work.
I also have my two nut finder which stays in home and therefo…
Hello, thank you this antenna ble.
I come from Jeedom where there is the same antenna. [https://github.com/jeedom/plugin-blea/tree/beta/resources/blead/devices]
Do you have the option to add prof…
Docker logs!
![CleanShot 2019-11-26 at 04 45 16@2x](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7906418/69587570-b6729700-1007-11ea-89ad-77679c16d7b6.png)
Now that I have fun with the nuts finder and the scale I try to install the miflora but it does not work.
Do you have an idea with my log errors?
i tested live miflora demo.py on another instal…
I'm getting this from my MI_SCALE. Any idea?
Thank you.
I (12533) BLE2MQTT: Discovered BLE device: c8:0f:10:c7:6f:e1, connecting
I (18433) BLE2MQTT: Connected to device: c8:0f:10:c7:6…
So I am pretty new at this stuff but I was really interested in the project. I tried really hard to figure this out on my own without bothering you first. I bought one of these so I could monitor my b…