## 💥 Proposal
- We should implement a component library for the classic theme.
- Those components would be reusable across the theme, and not coupled to a specific plugin.
- We could have a sto…
**Hello everyone👋🏻, it's time to utilize the power of open source⚡.
I want you guys to add opportunities on allops website.📈
So lets get started by ⭐ this repo!!**
### Opportunity Requirements:
This should be easy. Run a requirement check, and update the list with newer versions of dependencies
On the `/resume/experience` route, you should:
- [ ] Return the index position of the new Experience in the Experience list when a POST request is made
## Summary
* Implement google sign in/up for users.
To be included in the tutorial:
the following commands must be run:
Installing React Navigation & its dependencies
npm install @react-navigation/native
npm install react-native-reanimated…
how to check is everything is setup right ?
Using local-storage might help.
# Requirements:
Allow the user to switch to various branches of the tutorial, with each branch representing it's own step/part of the tutorial. Do this smoothly, so that a hot reload of the app will …
This should be easy. Run a requirement check, and update the list with newer versions of dependencies