Thanks very much for creating `k3d`. We are using it in an upcoming live demo, for FOSDEM 2022, that we are sharing for others to be able to run locally... and unfortunately this bug is a show-stopper…
Hello, very nicely done except the parsing of simple pgns. I got: "couldn't parse any games from PGN"... I have access to the list of pgn files but whatever is pgn look like I got this. Remarkable 2.
Thanks for creating such an awesome tool!
I have encountered a bug where `TreeViewerCommandLine` reads lines passed from the command line in reverse.
$ cat plot.txt
open test.tre
Some text blocks are not named in a way that they create a readable sentence when connecting those blocks.
1. sensor data objects (green with blue puzzle nose on their left side) like degree celsiu…
When sharing a link to an article, the link just shows "Nepo's blog". This leaves people with no idea what to expect when they click on the link. And it seems very unprofessional.
### To do
* Fo…
Along with #27, I've started trying to fix the 476 Bookmark CTD.
Doing some investigation, I made a second 475 bookmark with a single character (Julius Nepos) owning k_croatia and renumbering him t…
Al no haber algun comentario para documentar dicha clase puede ser difícil la comprensión de su utilidad.
_Originally posted by @xwalls in https://github.com/IslasGECI/metadata_tools/issues/2#issue…
ich nutze ausgiebig den CP Editor. Schönes Ding ;-)
Heute habe ich mir die neueste CP Version 6.02.00076 geladen, nun geht die Funktion "Wegpunkte löschen bis Start" nicht mehr. Löschen bis …
running install
running bdist_egg
running egg_info
running build_src
building extension "apexpy.fortranapex" sources
f2py options: []
adding 'build\src.win-amd64-3.6\build\src.win-a…
Bug in AudioServer onStop
if `self.ConfigManager.getAliceConfigByName('disableSoundAndMic')` are `true` then `self._audioInputStream` are not set, that's correct.
But then in `def onStop(self)` yo…