Hello, I'm creating a 3d version for simulation.
I'm having some problems with the math part...
I got a success taking the formulas of the example:
I've been working pretty extensively with local copies of Wikidata for the past year or so. I've been trying to find ways to efficiently perform large-scale augmentations and deletions of the data whi…
Goodmorning, I'm trying to instal gr-gsm from yesterday and that's the code:
Air-di-Andrea:~ andreapellegrin$ brew install gr-gsm --HEAD
==> Installing gr-gsm from nejohnson2/sdr
==> Cloning http…
From Dominique Pellé:
First of all, thank you for the address sanitizer.
This one exciting new tool for c++ developers.
A long…
From Dominique Pellé:
First of all, thank you for the address sanitizer.
This one exciting new tool for c++ developers.
A long…
From Dominique Pellé:
First of all, thank you for the address sanitizer.
This one exciting new tool for c++ developers.
A long…
Hi Bo, thanks for sharing the code. May I ask what's the gap between the performance between the val and test sets, so I can know the which position I am in. Another question is what if using pointnet…
Hi again!
I faced the problem of loosing the boundary line annotation (the type of the line) after exporting and then importing a map to and then from OpenDRIVE map format. All the two boundaries o…
BPO | [27010](https://bugs.python.org/issue27010)
--- | :---
Nosy | @warsaw, @bitdancer, @soltysh, @adepasquale
Files | [mail](https://bugs.python.org/file42830/mail "Uploaded as text/plain at 2016-05…
It would be useful to be able to expand the hit test area of a widget. Often, the size of a widget can't be increased without ugly hacks or at all, while the current size is too small to make it easil…