See swirl 1.0. This only matters when user is resuming progress. May just ignore for this release, but if we do we'll have to cut OpenIntro. May do that anyways.
Name of the course: Data Analysis module1
Problem: Video not available terminated swirl, resuming module also encountered error and terminated.
Some screenshots:
From `R CMD check`:
* checking tests ...
Running ‘test-all.R’ ERROR
Running the tests in ‘tests/test-all.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
Learning testthat : 12
1. Failure(@test-play.R…
Data Analysis Module 1
Question:Now store the contents of the 'cars$mpgCity' in a new variable called 'myMPG'.
I wasn't looking what I typed and entered:
"myMPG R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
> Platfo…
Within the Data Analysis: Central Tendency course, when prompted to enter **cars** into the R command prompt, swirl seems to disregard this as a correct answer -- even **skip()** results in an error m…
| To add (or "concatenate") your name to the end of `my_char`,
| use the `c()` function like this: `c(my_char,
| "your_name_here")`. Place your name in double quotes where
| I've put "your_name_here".…
rodbs updated
10 years ago
Question 55, Open_Intro, Module1
`I have stored the values of the 'mpgCity' variable for ONLY midsize vehicles in a new variable called 'mpg.midsize', which you can view by typing 'mpg.midsize' …
@seankross @WilCrofter
I'd like to release 2.1 to CRAN in the next day or two. Before I do so, we need to resolve the NOTE that `R CMD check` is currently giving (due to some changes I made a few da…
# Error Message
Error image
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