We already have ComposedReadOnlySymbolTable to handle nesting and combining multiple symbol tables.
This should be sufficient for any composition.
I have the following expression:
Concatenate("Hello", " World!")
However, as simple as it looks I do not get the expected result. This is the exception I am encountering:
If() takes an intersection.
Table() takes a union.
`If(false, { x : 1, y:1}, {x:1, z:2}).z` is an error because If() takes the intersection.
`If(false, { x : 1, y:1}, {x:…
I've found that my ALM pattern (export, unpack, pack and import) breaks using PowerFX formulas in dataverse entities.
For my test, I made a solution with a table. I can export, unpack, pack, and im…
- [x] Please attach the test suite YAML & .msapp which demonstrates the issue you are experiencing and any logs written to the specified outputDirectory. *(Please do not attach any file which may cont…
Related to https://github.com/microsoft/Power-Fx/issues/999
We have a custom function that returns FormulaType.UntypedObject
public class MyCustom2Function : ReflectionFunction
Note: this is not a duplicate of this query [raised by another user](https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Apps-Pro-Dev-ISV/Azure-pipeline-error-with-formula-PowerFX-dataverse-column/m-p/1889421/h…
The new version of Power FX seems to wrap error value from custom functions to another error object --
`Now()`, `Today()`, `IsToday()` are taking the time zone of the "current user", which is not ideal for server-side product to consume.
Can we support `UTCNow`, `UTCToday`, `IsUTCToday`, like how Mi…
When a custom function derives from base ctor directly, it skips skips calling Scan() and gets the parameters from the ctor directly.
This is skipping setting _info.async . So if it's Execute() is…