**[Vladimir Tsanev](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=tsachev)** opened **[DATAREST-694](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAREST-694?redirect=false)** and commented
Use case that we …
Lombok uses [an odd hack](https://projectlombok.org/features/experimental/onX.html) to enable capturing annotations to be applied to generated code, which doesn't play nicely with the plugin:
Plugin is generating assertions for test classes and code generated by other plugins.
It will be nice if plugin will be able to distinguish between different code sources for same package and generat…
Pagable vs 위플할때 걍 offset limit 걸어놓은거
테이블 select로 조인하는것에 대해서 좀 깊게 파보기
메세지 5개 불러오는 api를 이용
## castToNum Int to Double or Float is not works
i execute this code
// or .select(entity.intColumn.castT…
### Description
When you SUM a case expression like below
NumberExpression riskSum = new CaseBuilder()
.when(QMeters.meterStatus.in("Current", "Expired", "Future")).then(1).othe…
Please add Hibernate 6 support.
You can read about this release here: https://in.relation.to/2022/03/31/orm-60-final/
Hibernate 6 moved from javax dependencies to Jakarta.
Add better normalization to tables
H2database is so unstable, I don't expect anything from it, just hope more people see it, don't choose it.
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLNonTransientException: General error: "java.lang.ClassC…
hedyn updated
2 years ago