**Canale TV / Radio interessato**
Quale canale TV / Radio ha il problema che vuoi descrivere? In quale lista risiede? (È regionale?)
**Descrivi il problema**
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I tested your radio, it’s great!
I saw that the battery status of the radio was saved in the item, but not the nickname used by the player, it would be nice if when a player steals a radio, the rad…
Trying to use `comp_adv_output` to format a RunScriptCode input. The parameter override is being formatted as:`
RunScriptCode($name, $radio_target_name, $min_proximity)`:
### Describe the bug
1. On Snapshot (but not 23.05) the first radio, which is 2.4, is nonfunctional. See attached pictures. It "makes" the AP but nothing can see it and it can't be seen by other devi…
Use this issue to discuss [this component in the GOV.UK Design System](https://govuk-design-system-production.cloudapps.digital/components/radios/).
## Description
Can't talk on Syndicate radio channel anymore after implanting a generic radio implanter.
1. Implant Syndicate radio implanter
2. Check whether radio works receiv…
I like your app. "I don't have spotify" is something I have said aloud many times. :)
This issue is meant to suggest a feature the application doesn't yet have and to provide some sugges…
Is it possible to add schedule changing of various stations throughout the day? For example, from 08-10 Radio1, 10-12 Radio2, 12-16 Radio3, 18-22 Rdio1 .. and so on, for at least 4 stations.
Hallo Wolle,
seit der letzten Änderung werden die Senderlogos nicht mehr aktualisiert. Nach Aktualisierung der Browserseite, oder Neuaufruf keine Verbindung zum Radio (Seite-Ladefehler). Erst nach Re…
hi here's some code from gpt-4o for radio buttons, could you add a tutorial for radio buttons.
typedef struct {
GtkWidget *main_window;
GtkWidget *dialog_window;
} App…