See: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.05700.pdf
Q1: Do I have to give an exact initial value of "m1x_0"? When I try to have the initial value with error, KNet does not converge.
Q2: My state vector is 9-dimensional (x:[9x1]), and the order of magn…
using Lux, ComponentArrays, Random, Enzyme
rng = Random.MersenneTwister(1234)
# Define a basic neural network structure
NN = Lux.Chain(Lux.Dense(5 => 5, tanh), Lux.Dense(5 => 1))
I read your paper 'A deep learning system accurately classifies primary and metastatic cancers using passenger mutation patterns'. I would like to reproduce the result from this paper by training the …
' Product-based Neural Networks for User Response Prediction over Multi-field Categorical Data' (TOIS'17)
In section 5.1.1Datasets of this paper, there says "We randomly split the public dataset in…
1.(HMMR) Learning 3d human dynamics from video(2019)
temporal encoder: **1D temporal** convolutional layers, **precompute** the image features on each frame, get current and ±∆t frames prediction.
Maybe the log files should include the current XP per skill in addition to the player's total XP.
There's a lot of mentions how more varied XP improves the random event frequency.
Also maybe there…
Dear team, great package, I'm very excited to use it.
However, I tried a simple case, and I failed miserably to get a decent performance.
I generate a multi-dimensional dataset with a relativel…
# How to Resize, Pad Image to Square Shape and Keep Its Aspect Ratio in Python - jdhao's digital space
When we are using convolutional neural networks, most of the time, we need to fix the input imag…
Pose a question about the one of the following possible readings: “[Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting (Links to an external site.)](https://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume15…