As wget isn't present OOTB in linux flavours like RHEL, when lab1 first command is executed (wget https://kubevirt.io/labs/manifests/vm.yaml), got error "wget: command not found". Al…
Hi everyone,
I am trying to build srcML on Red Hat but I get the following error:
CMake Error at package/rpm.cmake:59 (file):
file STRINGS file "/etc/os-release" cannot be read.
Any suggest…
### What happened?
I'm running a k8s cluster using `kind`. Currently, there are ~3k agents connected. But in my tests, I frequently see connection timeouts, or connection reset messages from the `api…
The "Red Hat -> Red Hat Enterprise" straight line is totally wrong.
Fedora is the continuation of Red Hat Linux.
And Red Hat Enterprise is a branch of them.
When searching for RHEL, there are no results. We should probably change this. :wink:
While RHEL is the…
Here, BurrSutter's blog has SSL certificates expire, which we can for now ignore as temporary failure (Though cert says it expired 5 months ago ...). Link to RedHat should be removed, unless replaceme…
As a developer,
I need a webhook to CD pipeline,
so that I can trigger CD pipeline automatically whenever there is a change in master branch
## Assumption
Use OpenShift Sandbox through a red hat…