I want to use this code for testing active learning on YOLO/Faster-RCNN model but there is only retinanet scripts are available...
I wonder about the operation In the following lines:
I assume that it …
How to resolve this issue : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keras_retinanet.utils.compute_overlap'
It contains compute_overlap.pyx file instead of .py file
It is wonderful project.
Could you give me some hint about training of resnet and retinanet ?
Hi, thanks for sharing your code.
Is it possible to provide train.json, val.json and val_part.json used in ann_file in configs/retinanet/uavdt_retinanet_r50_fpn_base.py?
Thank you for this awesome work! Clearly written with enthusiasm and dedication to do the best detection ecosystem.
Got two questions, while reading detectron2 sources
1) Can RetinaNet be a subc…
when i train my csv dataset:
python train.py --dataset csv --csv_train '/home/subSda/train_annots.csv' --csv_classes '/home/subSda/class_list.csv' --csv_val '/home/subSda/val_annots.csv'
dspei updated
5 years ago
I want to use retinanet to change the two stages in the network, how can I do it based on detectron2?
I'd like to use SoftmaxWithLoss instead of SoftmaxFocalLoss.
`gated_prob, cls_focal_loss = model.net.SoftmaxWithLoss(
[cls_lvl_logits, 'retnet_cls_labels_' + suffix],
Hi. We are testing some models on our CI using 2.4 static/deploy/python/infer.py. Since static is removed in release 2.5, Which app should we use now for testing both **qat** and **fp32** versions of:…