*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1016*
**component:** lps2lts | **priority:** major | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-04-24 10:25:57: @jkeiren created the issue
On the attached specification…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1034*
**component:** LPS: NextState Library | **priority:** major | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-06-26 15:33:35: scranen@win.tue.nl created the issue
The …
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1036*
**component:** mcrl2-gui | **priority:** minor | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-07-06 11:41:23: @jkeiren created the issue
Consider the situation in w…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1082*
**component:** ltscompare | **priority:** blocker | **resolution:** fixed | **keywords:** ltscompare counterexample
#### 2012-10-03 09:49:30: @jgroote create…