We've recently found that a bunch of our test files are generating warnings because they use `RSpec.shared_example` & `RSpec.shared_context` with the same context name in multiple test files. Ideally …
I'm porting my tests from PHPUnit. Today I've been looking at dealing with incomplete (`markTestIncomplete`) and skipped (`markTestSkipped`) tests.
One can kinda mark a test incomplete at compile-t…
I would like to merge the run results from multiple runs, namely from rspec and cucumber, into one run. Ideally I'd like to see each independently as well, since I expect rspec to cover model and oth…
The current attitudes are to move away from Controller specs in favor of Request specs. We have some Request specs started for our API.
Migrate `/spec/controllers/partners_controller_spec.rb` to re…
Travis shows all passing in master... but if I run tests myself, I get failures. Very odd and confusing. Any ideas?
Actually, Travis last ran tests 9 months ago -- I bet if it were to run tests again…
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usnistgov/NIST-Tech-Pubs/nist-pages/xml/allrecords.xml is not available anymore so NistTechPubs#fetch returns nothing, tests failing:
404 Not Found
Create rspec tests for folder_action
~~I've already cloned the [TestWise example project](https://courtneyzhan.medium.com/testwise-macos-setup-42e362a8b397#4e2b) and set up Rspec with latest Ruby. Need to take this into the mono-repo wit…
99% of the time grep serves my needs but recently we have a need for running/not running tests (the same tests) under many different conditions (think like a selenium situation on multiple browsers) a…
it occured in my shell today
``` shell
17:32:03 - INFO - Guard::RSpec is running
17:32:03 - INFO - Running all specs
Running tests with args ["--drb", "spec", "-f", "progress", "-r", "/…