I want to test the performance by setting a different omp theshold, I changed the OMP_OVERHEAD_THRESHOL numbers in [THTensorApply.hpp]((https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/aten/src/TH/gene…
for some reason (unknown to me) I can't use the "reorder.hclust" function.
I installed seriation package correctly, but there is no option as "reorder" at all. other functions do appear and I c…
Issue: non-Python headers are missing from `$CONDA_PREFIX/include/boost`
conda install libboost boost-cpp boost --yes
ls -F $CONDA_PREFIX/include/boost
python/ python.hpp
## If you are using **R** for analysing epidemics, then tell us what you use!
These packages will become part of the RECON deployer. It takes only a few seconds:
1. open a R session
2. type: `…
- [x] support column split #30
- [ ] Support seriation #183
- [x] Adjust legend labels if they overlap #184
- [x] support "row_name_labels" and "column_name_labels" #181
- [x] legend border do…
Hi - I am trying to use bitr and it fails... so I cannot use your code. I am using R 3.5.1.
I tried two ways of loading clusterProfiler:
`if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Greetings from VUarrota
I'm getting a problem when installing a hyperChemoBridge in R (windows machine)
Looking at the error message, It seems that it tries to install in a folder with ‘Virgilio’ (ac…
Hi Michael,
First, thanks for this excellent package! I use it a lot and it works well. Thanks!
I just wanted to suggest that users might enjoy having a new function like `seriate.dataframe()` f…
When I use the col_side_colors parameter I get the heading "col_side_colors" next to the actual colors.
I don't see this in the vignettes? How can I remove it? Here's an example:
Thanks guys and …
**install.packages doesn't seem to load in all the required dependencies:**
install.packages("arulesViz",dependencies = TRUE)
**throws error**:
Loading required pack…