- add to cart button in subcategories/slug pages
- add to cart button in products/index
- view all subcategories button in categories/slug page and categroeis/index page
- view all products button …
For a better URL configuration add slug to your URLs. For a media app to work good, their is a strong need to get the URL not to be so long and irritable.
You can Refer by:
IN urls.py Use
There are a number of issues with slugs in their current embodiment, I'll list them here and discuss them in detail afterwards:
- `slugify` is applied indiscriminately, even to a manually-set `_slu…
Related to a conversation in httrmock, which uses storrr to store recorded HTTP requests (https://github.com/gaborcsardi/httrmock/issues/3).
Have you ever contemplated a naming scheme that would al…
Is it possible to handle the case where a slug already exists and generate a unique slug by adding a number at the end for example ?
The friendly slug is very handy but not unique.
While the logic we've got works alright, we might as well offload the responsibility to a dedicated package.
_Don't reinvent the wheel_
There could be an option to change product slug according to vendor slug.
**Default product slug:**
**With vendor slug**
### Describe the bug
Hey Guys,
MDXRemote does not work on Next.JS 14 with app-based routing. Have you tested it? I saw someone said she imported MDXRemote 'next-mdx-remote/rsc", but that doesn't m…
### Project link
Make a specialized endpoint that allows for SLUGs in creation actions.
Make sure the MongoDB-Java Connector classes are set up to allow for SLUGs and manual `_id` and `@id` overrides.