**[Armel Soro](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=rm3l)** opened **[DATAREST-1441](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAREST-1441?redirect=false)** and commented
Hi there!
When trying …
**Describe the bug**
Running SpringBoot applications from Eclipse IDE or Spring Tool Suite 4 with Boot Dashboard on a Docker instance, runs the application with random host ports.
**To Reproduce**…
## Expected behavior
I was attempting to generate a client for the GitHub GraphQL API: https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/overview/public-schema
Unfortunately, it has a few fields name `package`…
my springboot version is **3.0.9**.
when I use Lininx shell 'kill -15 pid' to kill my java application, it reported some exception like these:
2024-10-29 09:51:50 28484242 [SpringApplicationS…
Spring boot version: 3.3.2
Spring cloud dependencies version: 2023.0.3
sample issue spring cloud gateway repository: [https://github.com/sigriswil/spring-gateway-sample](https://github.com/sigriswil…
It would be nice to get a working example, how to use and configure two databases in spring boot.
The documentation says, that it is only required to create a datasource configuration with two diffe…
## 事项
- Observability Task: Add switches for Metrics and Tracing #11759 @conghuhu
- 将skywalking自动配置集成进starter #11777 @conghuhu
- metrics dependencies change待合并 #11756 @jojocodeX
- 配置中心指标埋点待合并PR…
Print button is displayed correctly but it does not work, it does not print the PDF.
Hi, i am using the joinfaces adminfaces-starter dependency for my project.
When running as spring boot jar with embedded tomcat everything works fine.
When using war deployment i am facing a NullP…