logs printed [here](https://github.com/wu8685/spring-demo/blob/master/spring/src/main/java/com/wu8685/spring/sse/controller/ServerSentEventController.java#L44) still count timeout connections
Hi ,
Can i ask a question? i have multiple user login to page, eventbus can send right data for each user logged
proposals variable is updated from database whenever an update comes
it then sends data as raw text toString() to the browser using a foreach of proposals
@RequestMapping(path = "/", method =…
Id like to ask if I'am making something wrong during adding reactive support to my application:
My controller is:
public class ReportController {
@GetMapping(value …
* Version of JMockit that was used: 1.30
* JUnit version: 4.12
* JDK 1.8 update 121
* Ubuntu Linux 16.10 kernel 4.8.0-41-generic
* org.springframework spring-test:4.3.7.RELEASE
I have a test cl…
**[Jose Antonio Iñigo](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=codependent)** opened **[SPR-14578](https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-14578?redirect=false)** and commented
Given this Sprin…
We are developing micro-services in Java using spring boot. We were interested in a way to change the logging level of each of our loggers at run-time. I have integrated admin UI to one of our servic…
There is a problem in 1.4.0.M3 and 1.4.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, Jetty, EventSource (SseEmitter) and CORS. With this setup spring boot sends a wrong Content-Type response header back to the client.
Our setup is as follows:
- Spring Cloud: Brixton.RELEASE
- Spring Cloud Zuul API gateway with Undertow
- A service behind it also using Undertow
Having an endpoint for SSE:
`@RequestMapping(method =…
**[Maksym Shalak](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=mshalak)** opened **[SPR-13591](https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-13591?redirect=false)** and commented
SseEmitter class contains…