Sample RNN has been published, which seems that tiered rnn outperforms conv stacks.
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pu_XfQJnLRcQZYfawqCeNQ ,提取码:7777
aishell3数据集,Tesla V100 32G,BS 96训练的160K,loss值0.24
同时本人有两台V100 32G闲置,为BUG时撸的云服务器,有想训练啥的也可以提要求,反正闲着也是闲着。
Hi all.
_This project is very interesting, and I'd like to create a french voice for ubuntu (ubuntu is very poor in french male TTS_)
- how many wav sentences do I need to create correct voice ?
### Describe the bug
If a sentence too long (separate by comma) some part of it will missing during the audio generation
On April 1, 1942, Desmond Doss joined the United States Army. Li…
I saw the Dockerfile and it automatically downloads the newest version of Tensorflow.
Recently, Tensorflow revealed 2.0 version and it's quiet different from the older version.
Could you let me know…
Hey, I saw you are taking mel start /end val 4,-4 now i think its 0.5/-0.5. You are normalizing mel spectrogram in range -4 to +4 then dont you think using above token values will cause problems??
After @jyegerlehner 's implement of global condition #168 , I would like to ask which features of the model we should focus for now, and which approach we should do for each. Here there are some optio…
Hello @A-Jacobson.
Great work with your implementation and more importantly with you clear representation of the model in your README (100% better that the one presented in the paper x) ).
So I …
### Describe the bug
Model `tts_models/fr/mai/tacotron2-DDC`
> Model input: hello
> Speaker Idx:
> Language Idx:
> Text splitted to sentences.
```I was training Tacotron-2 model by first training tacotron model, then wavenet model. When I run synthesis.py for wavenet model I'm getting the error message below.
Traceback (most recent call las…