_Wonil-Suh1 created the following on Aug 06:_
As a maker or IBM.com experiences, I need to know what kind of layout options are available so that I can design and develop in a way that is better a…
_Wonil-Suh1 created the following on Aug 05:_
#### Introduction
This story is part of the first phase work (research) towards the cupcake website.
#### The problem
As a designer / developer, …
_Wonil-Suh1 created the following on Aug 05:_
#### Introduction
This story is part of the first phase work (research) towards the cupcake website.
#### The problem
As a designer / developer, …
_Wonil-Suh1 created the following on Aug 05:_
#### Introduction
This story is part of the first phase work (research) towards the cupcake website.
#### The problem
As a designer, I need to un…
_Wonil-Suh1 created the following on Aug 05:_
#### Introduction
This story is part of the first phase work (research) towards the cupcake website.
#### The problem
As a developer, I need to k…
_hahnrob created the following on Aug 16:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
developer using the ibm.com Library
> I need to:
have a full features band pattern that can be us…
_hahnrob created the following on Aug 16:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
developer using the ibm.com Library
> I need to:
have a simple testimonial band pattern that can …
_hahnrob created the following on Aug 16:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
developer using the ibm.com Library
> I need to:
have a simple CTA band pattern that can be used
_hahnrob created the following on Sep 19:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
developer using the ibm.com Library
> I need to:
have a `content block - with media` pattern that can be …
_hahnrob created the following on Sep 19:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
developer using the ibm.com Library
> I need to:
have a content block - simple pattern that can be used