**Rancher version:**
Rancher - v2.9-f1b43d2568d7c53c3adf45d9ffd74a04ea65fc22-head
Cluster Type: Downstream AKS cluster
**Describe the bug:**
- Provision cluster with …
**Describe scenario**
We are running multiple AKS and we have weekly automatic patching enabled.
Some of our critical pod have a PDB configured.
In some rate condition, the automatic update failed. …
### Describe the bug
When I run
az group list --query '[?tags."aks-managed-cluster-name"==''somename'']'
then I get the following error
argument --query: invalid jmespath_type value: "[?…
Auto- instrumentation enables [Application Insights](https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flearn.microsoft.com%2Fen-us%2Fazure%2Fazure-monitor%2Fapp%2Fapp-insights-overvi…
Describe scenario
I have noticed that several components/container running in AKS 1.30 are utilizing libraries that have reached their end of life. Below are the details of the EOL libraries identifi…
I can't find any documentation or previous issues on this.
Does Azure support the new Kubernetes Gateway API? If so, how does it work? Do we just install the CRDs and we are good to go?
Thank yo…
### 📜 Description
If you install (upgrade) [Devtron Hem Chart](https://helm.devtron.ai) with `cicd` install module enabled the Helm is raising an error (CustomResourceDefinition `workflows.argoproj…
start https://github.com/Azure-Samples/java-on-aks on win10 with account 88**24@qq.com jiwag@321
install java8, https://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
install maven: https://linuxize.com/post/…
JHinW updated
3 years ago
Publish and run services in Azure Kubernetes Service.
Use GitHub Actions.
What to do:
1. Push images to Azure Container Registry,
2. Expose app to the outside. Preferable with domain name.