* https://www.dwheeler.com/sloccount/
* Description: This is the home page of "SLOCCount", a set of tools for counting physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) in a large number of languages of a poten…
$ cat ~/.config/dt/.dt
yearonly =
$ dt --help
# omit
ANSIC: Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006
# omit
pkg/helm/repo.go uses a different time string for `index.Created` than the rest of Helm. This should be changed to use `time. ANSIC` or a UNIX timestamp.
# 面倒
$ dt -o "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006"
Tue Jul 17 23:23:32 2018
# 簡単
$ dt -o ANSIC
Tue Jul 17 23:23:32 2018
Test case to demonstrate this issue:
Start the current version of LDmicro version
Create a simple program that has one rung
- Menu: Instruction -> Signed variable operations -> Insert NEG (…
When exploitable bugs in /bin/sh are discovered it's an urgent matter because /bin/sh is used by C and other languages in support of the popen()/system() interfaces. execlp(), execvp(), and execvpe()…
Test case to demonstrate this issue:
Start the current version of LDmicro version
Create a simple program that has one rung
To the first rung add the single instruction LUT
- Menu: Instruc…
Dear all,
i am using cucuber calabash at window 7, 64 bit machine with ruby version 1.93 3p194 while i am running calabash-android camand then it giving following error as "WARNING: cannot load such …
Test case to demonstrate this issue:
Start the current version of LDmicro version
Create a simple program that has a two rungs.
To the first rung add the single Count Up instruction
- Menu…
[En el ejercicio 1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n_u1E8uKzExstQEJR_lJBBsT0P5Ru9kG-yW5VUiYnLs/edit#heading=h.qvs683w5rsg1) se pide implementar:
* Separa el mail en un usuario y un…