I'm compiling the Marlin firmware, which uses U8glib.h library
When I try to compile, I get the following error:
arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:avr:mega Marlin
Build options changed…
### Describe the problem
After compiling attempting an upload fails with "Error during Upload: Compiled sketch not found in C:\Users\wesw\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-A1E8FD2B951BC0178B8D63295C7…
Arduino libraries are stored on github, and can define `export-ignore` in `.gitattributes` file to specify what exactly needs to go into a release Zip file.
For example, when I click on "Source Code …
`package_aloriumtech_index.json` is specifying an old avr-gcc package version (4.8.1-arduino5) that works in the Arduino IDE but is incompatible with the arduino-cli tools. Arduino's current `package_…
i want to make tests with the example "argparser.ino" with VisualStudioCode and Platformio, but i get the error:
Processing esp32-console-test (platform: espressif32@6.5.0; board: esp…
### The problem
I bought somes W5500 modules, the standard and lite version.
The error is both modules.
I tried DHCP and fixed IP, error in both modes.
With and whithout optional pins I tried al…
The normal steps would be something like...
arduino-cli config add board_manager.additional_urls
arduino-cli core update-index
You are helping me to capture the package URL, but when…
Trying to set up a project for some led fun with adafruit m0 boards, using this flake
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
flake-utils.url = "githu…
eyduh updated
10 months ago
### Describe the problem
When setting the `directories.data` option in the `arduino-cli.yaml` with a relative path, The dependency is downloaded correctly, but an error "no such file or directory" is…
Installed on a Mac as per instructions.