What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Make a call
2. speak with other person
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I hope to hear the voice through the handset, but I hear …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Make a call
2. speak with other person
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I hope to hear the voice through the handset, but I hear …
Priority 6
Description: Boston Pizza on Yonge and Gerrard and Warden and Eglinton need to be linked. Logged in as resto user and only one Boston Pizza shows up.
The following links are not working
-Lightning Talks
-Engagement Lab partners with local institutions (news link)
In [`3126133`](https://github.com/windstatus/windscribe-vpn-status-uptime-monitor/commit/31261330b65c90cc1f6e4df81dea2209f6791bed
), US East Boston (Harvard) (https://us-east-117.whiskergalaxy.com:636…
GlycoDay meeting + Booth
Warren workshop in boston
Seems like it will fail whever an **xgboost** model is fit without a params argument:
In [`3c55d01`](https://github.com/windstatus/windscribe-vpn-status-uptime-monitor/commit/3c55d01ae78338cfba5c4d02483d4843ecfd23f4
), US East Boston (Harvard) (https://us-east-117.whiskergalaxy.com:636…
In [`2448516`](https://github.com/windstatus/windscribe-vpn-status-uptime-monitor/commit/24485168ee75d7163ad9d7fc5f6d8956ef1dca5e
), US East Boston (Harvard) (https://us-east-117.whiskergalaxy.com:636…