**Description:** White (i.e. `#FFFFFF`) is ignored when setting the background tint in XML. Other colors work as expected.
**Expected behavior:** The item background color is working as expected, b…
![Screenshot_20240229_150457_Smart Recommendations](https://github.com/Smart-Recommendations/Smart-Recommendations/assets/13189052/73f0f4b7-6e17-434e-9fe8-16ebbb27de27)
### What is the problem or limitation you are having?
Android is now the only one of the main 5 platforms which doesn't support OptionContainer.
### Describe the solution you'd like
Last time…
**Android API version:** 30
**Material Library version:** 1.11.0
**Device:** Android Emulator
I upgraded the material library to 1.11.0 and my app keeps crashing when launches. And finally I …
Tynox updated
9 months ago
I call the glide method in the viewpage + fragment.Then when I change the viewpage states or click the fragment into the detail activity,the app would crash.The faster I changed,the faster the APP cra…
Why is my selected icon showing overlay?
Need to update BottomNavigationView to replicate Figma Lo-Fi better
Hello, I understand that for correct displaying, limitation of items in bottom navigation view were set. But why is it hardcoded and final? For example, for tablet in landscape mode I want to have 7 i…
Is there a way to display `BottomNavigationView` by default when using a `layout_scrollFlags="scroll|enterAlways"` on `MaterialToolbar` and `layout_behavior="@string/appbar_scrolling…