Dear @HendrikFeldmannKIT @csteger
We had pending the disentangling of some CLMcom simulations which contributed to the NUKLEUS project. For ICON (#11) we added a name ICON-CLM-NUKLEUS in order to d…
There is a problem with the alignment of urban and land fraction. The hypothesis used to remove equal number of gridcells from the borders of the domains (see #7) seems wrong in this case. See last pl…
The radiation absorbed by the canopy is a grid quantity and therefore so is PAR (sunlit and shaded). When PAR is used to calculate stomatal resistance, this results in a vegetation fraction dependence…
Please update the CMIP6_downscaling_plans.csv:
https://github.com/WCRP-CORDEX/simulation-status/blob/0ecf4980c4fdba47fe8a4c797bad057db8a6839c/CMIP6_downscaling_plans.csv#L387 Status is now complet…
# Description of the data product
Australasian climate change projections based on the Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM) at 12.5km resolution following the experiment design and domain of CO…
Errata will be managed programatically in CMIP6 using ES-DOC
This is an extract on how it will be possible to search for errata:
"Search & View
# ICON External Parameter Request
## Instructions
1. Give this issue a meaningful title.
2. Replace `PASTE_YOUR_REQUEST_HERE` with your request that you copied to clipboard:
# ICON External Parameter Request
## Instructions
1. Give this issue a meaningful title.
2. Replace `PASTE_YOUR_REQUEST_HERE` with your request that you copied to clipboard:
# ICON External Parameter Request
## Instructions
1. Give this issue a meaningful title.
2. Replace `PASTE_YOUR_REQUEST_HERE` with your request that you copied to clipboard:
# Zephyr Data Request
## Instructions
1. Give this issue a meaningful title.
2. Replace `PASTE_YOUR_REQUEST_HERE` with your request that you copied to clipboard: