I have installed boost 1.85.0 and am testing the callback_wrapper example on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS:
In [CMSSW_14_0_CPP20_X_2024-01-22-1100](https://cmssdt.cern.ch/SDT/cgi-bin/buildlogs/el8_amd64_gcc12/CMSSW_14_0_CPP20_X_2024-01-22-1100/Alignment/OfflineValidation) IB, the following warnings about po…
Hi, I'm testing out this plugin in a new, freshly created Unreal 5.3.2 C++ project.
I'm developing on an M1 Macbook Pro, so this is an arm64 editor build.
I've added the plugin as a git submodule …
I was trying to integrate tinyusdz in my (non-cmake) C++20 project and I was hitting this error:
/tmp/tinyusdz/src/nonstd/expected.hpp:229:16: error: ‘expected’ has not been declared in ‘st…
How to include this project in CMAKE?
FetchContent_Declare(generator GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/roger-dv/cpp20-coro-generator.git GIT_TAG master)
I'm hitting multiple issues using generic CMake (no package managers) on Fedora 36 and Ubuntu 22. I can make it work with changes.
Are you open to CMake changes/PRs?
### Environment details
* Operating System+version: Windows 11
* Compiler+version: MSBuild version 17.7.2+d6990bcfa for .NET Framework
* Conan version: Conan version 2.0.13
* Python version: conan…
This project has some minor compiler warnings (I'm using GCC 11.3.0), maybe it's not too difficult to solve them. I'm using the following compiler flags in CMake:
` inline std::string codepoint_to_utf8(char32_t codepoint)`
` {`
   `std::string result{ 8 };`
   `detail::codepoint_to_utf8(codepoint, &result[0]);`
Some examples:
- `execution_context_fuzzer` has preview for NativeOnlyDebug, cpp20 for all other configurations
- `yaml-cpp` has cpp14
- `usersim_dll_skeleton` has cpp20 on Debug , cpp14 on Relea…