Hello, is this plugin pulling data from the Default view in Sharepoint or somewhere else? I am unable to see system generated fields (like Modified Date) or Calculated fields in Dataiku upon connecti…
Actually, I was wrong to tell you to remove the core packages yesterday. Dataiku API does not support pandas versions == 1.1.3 and it results in the failing of the 'toDataset' recipe with a Python 3.7…
A new icon is available in master:
To guarantee back-compatibility…
Based on support ticket https://support.dataiku.com/a/tickets/21640 where the customer had issues using this plugin with MLlib (no collector_data.json file created), we need to update the docs informi…
# Issue
The code env creation of the plugin fails because of two conflicting versions of Pandas:
![Screenshot 2021-04-14 at 17 22 08](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29501817/114736382-55…
### Description of Issue
It would be great to be able to see both the stats/graphs/charts of the dataset (or columns of the dataset) and also get recommendations/suggestions on what could be done t…
If you are reporting a problem, please make sure the following information are provided:
**Expected behavior and actual behavior:**
Actual: Clicking on project names on the UI has no effect.
Il serait trèsintéressant qu'en tant que biz dev nous puissions facilement avoir la liste des datasets qui sont actuellement associées à une licence non spécifiée. Le fait qu'une licence soit non spéc…
Today objective = "val_f1" returns an error
Failed to train : : Could not infer optimization direction ("min" or "max") for unknown metric "val_f1". Please specify the objective asa `kerastuner.Obje…
At the offsite, we decided to go broad with our strategy. Our platform now covers:
* Event ingestion - libraries
* Event ingestion - autocapture
* Dashboarding - trends, funnels, retention, cohor…