Okay we've found the cause of the client side crashes. If you get hit by zombies beside buildables eventually your client will crash. It's reproducible every time. This is a serious problem that's …
Currently the "WoodenFence_1_foundation" requires only two items to build and requires no consumables.
1: This creates an "area denial" item for vehicles that requires very little time to crea…
Hello all I have an issue with the dayz epooch admin tools where the menu will not show up. Pretty much all of the other scripts work. I am using a custom mission file that I found here
Broadcast the use of the tools when spawning crates and enabling god mode. Any option that has the potential to be severely abused. Make it optional.
Weather and time only last a short time up to 5 minutes until it reverts back to the previous state.
If we can get most of these issues fixed I would like to push another patch soon. https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/issues?direction=desc&labels=&milestone=36&page=1&sort=updated&state=open
Before update 1.0.5 The Item "ItemLockBox" players could found in zombies
but now with new system loot this item can be found only in "Office" building
But wait, some maps don't have any Office bu…
_EXECscript7 = '["%1"] execVM "admintools\tools\morph.sqf"';
AdminSkinsMenuA =
["-- Skins Menu (Animal)--", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "…
ghost updated
10 years ago
== D:\DayZ_Server_Chernarus_Testing\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver_chernarus_testing.exe
# == "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver_chernarus_testing.exe" -port=2402 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.c…
Okay I'm in need of some advice. There has been an intermittent problem where player's humanity are being reset to 2500 typically after death or when logging back into lobby. Sometimes players spawn…