### Current Behavior
We have NVD + GHSA configured as vulnerability sources within our ODT instance.
Since we activated the GHSA we were used to get most of vulnerabilities twice (once with t…
To reproduce:
On a running system, perform a gem update of a specific gem. This will trigger the dependency tracker which will cause openhab to reload ruby scripts. However it will reload all the scr…
Writing tests for tools is important, It's also quite important to be able to verify the test coverage in order to keep track of the covered and uncovered components of the tools.
We employ JaCoCo t…
We are seeing client-side dependencies request with duration > 0 but resultCode=0 for google analytics very rarely. What does it mean ?.
This issue will be used to provide high-level updates for the Kubeflow 1.10 release.
[Release Timeline](https://github.com/kubeflow/community/tree/master/releases/release-1.10) (Will be available aft…
As some hooks may depend on the contents of a directory (e.g. add all fonts of a directory), we may need to add a concept of `output.addDirectoryDependency({bool recursive})` to the dependency trackin…
This _only_ works if the dependency has an associated git repository.
Dependabot would be able to check the submodules for updates, but unfortunately it seems to check for new commits, rather than ta…
Trying the example of movie reviews:
import ell
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class MovieReview(BaseModel):
title: str = Field(description="The title of the movie")
Hey @michael-maltsev
I recall that in a previous issue, you told me this project contains customized versions of several packages.
If I may suggest, it might be beneficial to use "patch-package"
PNone updated
5 hours ago
### Current Behavior
I am using the docker-compose script to run a local latest Dependency
I am using CPAN Perl modules where their CPE string requires escaped
colons in some of the field…