# Market coordinator can set proportional and adiabatic fees much higher than limited by protocol due to fixed point truncation
The README states the following:
> Q: Pl…
I want to stop sticky element at a certain Element. when user scroll the page down the element stop from scrolling on #footer.
how can i do that ?
See http://www.pmf.ni.ac.rs/pmf/publikacije/filomat/2016/30-4/30-4-28.pdf for details
I have an implementation using `mpmath`, but it feels like I'm being very inefficient about it.
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
libcudf `fixed_point_scalar_device_view` has `set_value(rep_type)`.
It doesn't have `T value()` and `set_value(T)`.
These are ne…
Mock design by @sandesh-sp : https://www.figma.com/proto/l1F72xSr5BlZ9zt34nJgwn/Emit?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=1-2&node-type=canvas&viewport=-184%2C356%2C0.33&t=FkI5moRarkmCwfr1-1&scaling=contain&conten…
I am attempting to build zero-graphics on NixOS, but I'm getting an error from llvm about fixed point multiplication. This is probably an issue with zig or clang.
- zig version `0.10.0-dev.4474+b41…
dynamic_fixed_point-16量化是fp16量化么?我用这个方式量化模型之后,使用Linux目录下的ssd_mobilenet.cpp来测试耗时,uint8 mobilenetv2的耗时是6ms,fp16 mobilenetv2的耗时是50ms+,这个量级的差异太大了,是fp16模型在预测时要有不同的参数设置么?
Hey @alexhernandezgarcia and others,
As I mentioned in #330 , I want to use Continuous GFNs to estimate the distribution of a 3D dataset for my thesis.
I thought a nice starting point would be [Mode…
[💻 Portalverse 2.0](https://www.figma.com/proto/WFyITdfrPOESGs5ZEk6iI5/%F0%9F%92%BB-Portalverse-2.0?node-id=1148-11665&node-type=canvas&viewport=3461%2C536%2C0.04&t=Ii1n0EkKPScOFd76-0&scaling=scale-do…
[💻 Portalverse 2.0](https://www.figma.com/proto/WFyITdfrPOESGs5ZEk6iI5/%F0%9F%92%BB-Portalverse-2.0?node-id=1148-11665&node-type=canvas&viewport=3461%2C536%2C0.04&t=Ii1n0EkKPScOFd76-0&scaling=scale-do…