Hi Carlo, sorry....
In the Wiki dont see...
how un-install old library and re-install new package?
what is the difference between web and desktop fonts TTF files?
Will be there any compability work for Delphi 10.4? I tried the library with 10.4, got some issues.
Thank you...
Hello. I don't know any group about the component, so, I decided to put my problem here.
I installed the alcinoe to use visual components. The samples about ALFmxControls works fine. In my project al…
Jim McKeeth asks us to publish this library on GetIt.
We can use today to do the latest tests and verify the stability, then we can release the official 2.0 version.
I'm closing the issue #42, t…
Hi guys,
in the last commit (August 18 - 22:44) I made some changes to TSVGIconImageCollection: now it inherits from TCustomImageCollection instead of TComponent and implements all required method (o…
Hi !
I use TChart components in my project.
I get the following error during compilation:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] main.pas(12): F2051 Unit FMXTee.Canvas was compiled with a different version of FMX…
If possible you can present this component to FMX?
Thank you
Sorry but I don't understand to play video on TALVideoPlayerSurface with project Win32/64. I must use another component? A small sample code?
Hi, nice project you made. To try your software, it was a bumpy road, many problems, more on the issues later.
**What I try to do:**
I have an old app that uses `TEmbeddedWB` and because Microsoft…
Hi - many thanks for your great work.
Any advice on how to install in the latest Delphi release?