Thanks for sharing the codes. Could you provide an example of the o1 loss?
I've combined it with the CTC loss as shown in the following code, but it seems the performance has not improved.
## 🚀 Feature
Frequently re-used losses that can be added to bolts.
### Motivation
Writing Losses is quite repetitive. PyTorch supports losses which are written with deep interoperability with C…
Trained on the bloodcell dataset, multi label class loss plateau at epoch of 10 by the value of ~80 and is still ~80 at epoch of 50, but the other loss (xywh and objectiveness loss) are able to reach …
### 🚀 The feature
I suggest adding the `pos_weight` (extra weights to positive examples) in Focal Loss implementation [here](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/main/torchvision/ops/focal_loss.py#…
Is it required to install specific pytorch or do some trick to get rid of this?
==> Preparing data..
Epoch: 0
loc_loss: 0.116 | cls_loss: 3791.763 | train_loss: 3791.878 | avg_loss: 3791.878
Hi, thanks for your wonderful work! I have a question that whether your proposed KnnFocalLike loss is better than Focal loss. I do not find the comparison experiment in your paper.
您好!看了您的论文觉得非常帮!我在下载完代码进行复现时,发现代码好像并不完整,比如loss那缺了好几个from simpletransformers.losses.focal_loss import FocalLoss
from simpletransformers.losses.dice_loss import DiceLoss
from simpletransformers.losse…
When I tried to train TinaFace model, the error shared below was occurred.
Error Message
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python tools/trainval.py configs/trainval/tinaface/train_my_project_r5…
Thank you for your work on this project!
I'm training the s-model on a custom dataset, and I’ve encountered an issue after several successful epochs. Up until the 12th epoch, training seems to…