## Objetivo
A partir de los distintos escenarios de owa, definir los escenarios para pronóstico.
## Carpeta de trabajo:
How to test on my own image datasets?
Hi Yuval, firstly, fantastic job on your contributions across multiple GAN problems including **Restyle** and **Hyperstyle**. Can you advise if there are _clear benefits for real image inversion_ in H…
Retrain the GAN model is time wasting, can you please share the pretrained GAN model?
on video input, would be interesting how it performs
AK391 updated
2 years ago
Hi,how to test other datasets? change the datasets/pretrained/metadata.json?
Thanks for sharing the great work.
I am studying the StyleGAN and it is new for me.
I want to know how to use StyleGAN to create a new B images from A images. I can change the input image…
great work, is it possible to due inference on cpu in colab?
AK391 updated
2 years ago
Thanks for your wonderful work. However, when I try to run the demo by using your pretrained models and default config parameters, that is:
python editing_wo_dialog.py \
--opt ./co…