@lukasmartinelli Hi Lukas,
is it possible to render multiple geojson shapes on a single thumbnail?
**Describe the feature you'd like to see included in Tree Mapper App.**
This button has not function yet. Should it be implemented or hidden?
Is GeoJSON support in the roadmap? Dumping to GeoJSON would be a nice feature to have for datasets containing geographic features
Is it possible for you to add geojson support in android ?
The only thing that is holding us from using your awesome plugin is the Capability to add geojson. Thanks BTW
This line of the geojson spec seems to reference a file that no longer exist: https://github.com/SignalK/specification/blob/3228ead31730f997ea087dd1139d7703f94c24bf/schemas/external/geojson/geojson.js…
ex. http://geojson.io/#data=data:text/x-url,http%3A%2F%2Fapi.tiles.mapbox.com%2Fv3%2Ftmcw.map-gdv4cswo%2Fmarkers.geojson
I wonder if there's a similar site for CSVs?
we are using the dart_rbush library by @Zverik
Our fork: https://github.com/dartclub/dart_rbush
What we need to do in our fork:
- [ ] Replace tinyQueue with our port [dart_sort_queue](https://githu…
We need to store geoJson of Admin boundaries for District and Upazila/Thana from external sources to make incident reporting process smoother. The map window should be focused on Thana/Upazila admin b…
We can add support `geojson` files too?
ar53n updated
5 years ago
Hi naomap
is it possible to Search features in more than one GeoJSON layer ?