Please support copied HAR data.
It will be easy when you can copy Request headers, Curl or HAR information
from the developers tools network tab and past it in Rest client.
This will help debugg…
Feature suggestion: allow to open a request from a HAR/curl format.
Since Chrome Developer Tools allows to copy the request from the Network tab on
the HAR/curl format, it would be nice that the…
Please support copied HAR data.
It will be easy when you can copy Request headers, Curl or HAR information
from the developers tools network tab and past it in Rest client.
This will help debugg…
Feature suggestion: allow to open a request from a HAR/curl format.
Since Chrome Developer Tools allows to copy the request from the Network tab on
the HAR/curl format, it would be nice that the…
Please support copied HAR data.
It will be easy when you can copy Request headers, Curl or HAR information
from the developers tools network tab and past it in Rest client.
This will help debugg…
Feature suggestion: allow to open a request from a HAR/curl format.
Since Chrome Developer Tools allows to copy the request from the Network tab on
the HAR/curl format, it would be nice that the…
Please support copied HAR data.
It will be easy when you can copy Request headers, Curl or HAR information
from the developers tools network tab and past it in Rest client.
This will help debugg…
Feature suggestion: allow to open a request from a HAR/curl format.
Since Chrome Developer Tools allows to copy the request from the Network tab on
the HAR/curl format, it would be nice that the…
Albin och Axel undrar var detta är på väg?
Har du ens tänkt på att inkludera etheriums funktions-logik in i ditt spel? För att inte tala om bristen av ordet "AI" i beskrivningen till dettta repo?
### Innan du skickar in buggrapporten
- [X] Har kollat om det [redan finns en buggrapport](https://github.com/stefansundin/privatkopiera/issues) om det här.
- [X] Har kollat om det [redan finns en…