Undocumented [data product option](https://wiki.oceannetworks.ca/display/DP/Data+Product+Options) change for downloading hydrophone acoustic data.
Will change in meantime, but will keep issue until…
I am getting errors when making irisFetch.Traces() requests, using version '2.0.12', cloned from Git.
My startDate and endDate values are set programmatically, and are generated with type "datetime"…
I'm receiving the following error and I'm not sure why. I've already confirmed that the release sites are spelled exactly the same (including no extra spaces) on both files. Has anyone else had this i…
Think horizontal box plots for each hydrophone
This is creating some anomalies in the display of the [SDN Device scheme under the new NVS VocPrez UI](http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/scheme/SDNDEV/current/) and I think that it is worth raising a ticket for…
## User Story
In order to identify Subject Areas, the data.gov User Engagement team wants to capture the most used keywords for datasets and the number of datasets with each keyword.
## Acceptan…
Working with Carlos to incrementally test pypam processing of hybrid millidecade spectra, I set up a directory containing 20 1-minute wav files. This allows us to ensure that both input segmentation …
minor idea, but I do run into this sometimes working with hydrophone responses, particularly when trying to recalculate_overall_sensitivity. the label isn't relevant to the code and just seems to act …
Streaming/archiving only a single channel could be a good idea, e.g.
- for nodes at which stereo signals aren't a priority (single hydrophone; or no localization, only redundancy from dual hydropho…
I am using fish movement date from the Choctawhachee river and would like to use the approach with Actel. But I get the below error message after running the explore function in Actel p…