I'm trying to recreate the material design ripple effect with canvas and vdux. The actual code for the effects works just fine and now I need to wire it with vdux. So basically I create an initial arr…
# 引入
在组内做了一次 React 状态管理的分享,总结了一些 redux 的问题,安利了一下 mobx 更方便的地方。整理成文字,便是此文。注:本文未整理完,大部分都是列的大纲,预计周二前整理完。ps: 应该整理不完
# 目录
- React 状态、通信
- Flux —> Redux —> Mobx
- redux,mobx 对比
# React 为什么需要状…
# 💡 Feature request
Since we are upgrading to react-redux 7.x in the v5 pilot program, it follows that we should also switch to immer from ImmutableJS.
Immer is the immutable data library used b…
I love this package and use it wherever I can, as I love functional programming. The only thing that bothers me a little is the lack of documentation.
Would'nt it be a nice idea to document the cod…
As per title, I have encountered the following issue: Lumos internally uses a deprecated types validator that doesn't validate ImmutableJS types.
In the current version of [Lumos Utils](https://git…
phroi updated
9 months ago
### 🧐 问题描述
### 💻 示例代码
### 🚑 其他信息
## 1. 前言
在 React 诞生之初,Facebook 宣传这是一个用于前端开发的界面库。在大型应用中,如何处理好 React 组件通信和状态管理就显得非常重要。
为了解决这一问题,Facebook 最先提出了单向数据流的 Flux 架构,弥补 React 开发大型网站的不足。后续社区里又出现了一系列的前端状态管理解决方案。
本文会对 Redux、Mobx、Recoil 等几个状态…
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> **欢迎去知乎回答这个问题:[…
in a managed linux environment, node-gyp 3.8.0 fails to install with node 10.12.0. we're using `yarn install --force` which previously (on node 8.12.0) forced a rebuild of fibers which seemed to fix t…
Let's use this issue to track the remaining tasks for releasing Suspense to open source.
**Last updated: March 24, 2022**
**Blog post: [The Plan for React 18](https://reactjs.org/blog/2021/06/08…