I've been using css-modules with mocha, enzyme and css-modules-require-hook without any problems.
// Foo.js
import React from 'react';
import styles from './Foo.css';
const Foo = () => Foo compo…
Adding features I'd like to implement just to make sure there's a clear road map to go down on. Will keep adding to it as stuff comes to my mind.
## Workflow
- Person comes to site
- Log in & stu…
generated path doesnt point to test.
Let karma-bower read the project's bower.json and load the dependencies from there, instead of defining them (again) in the karma.conf.
I made a simple widget [cookiecutter](https://github.com/rolandjitsu/jupyter-widget-cookiecutter) that uses TypeScript instead of JS and I added some tools to also run unit tests and linting, but I'm …
I was thinking how to do proper testing for ipyvolume, but the same holds for ipywidgets, so I thought of bringing the discussion here.
I think unittests in javascript/typescript are not an issue, Py…
Beware: I am new to Painless and to Webpack!
I have some experience with Karma, though...
I am trying to use Webpack for a small AngularJS 1 project, with ES5.
So I made a little variant of the https…
Hi, thanks for providing this sample.
When I run ng test, I get the following error:
PS C:\Code\Repos\Git\module-federation-plugin-example-starter> ng test --browsers ChromeHeadless
- Generatin…
Hi, I used the v0.5 version of the generator. I just created a new app and ran `gulp test`. Even though a `coverage/` folder has been created with the different files, when I open the index.html, I ha…
If I run a test in e.g. IE 11 via sauce labs and inadvertently include a backtick in my source code, the karma console will report something like
E 11.0.0 (Windows 7 0.0.0) ERROR
Invalid charac…