I had trouble integrating kunafa into a build.gradle.kts (kotlin based) build using the examples in the docs, but managed to come up with the following:
plugins {
### Expected Behavior
Something like this should be supported:
val webrtcAdapter = version("webrtcAdapter", "^7.7.0")
SerVB updated
2 years ago
Hi, im getting this eror while trying to use sekret in my compose multiplatform project if add include(":composeApp:sekret") in settings.gradle.kts
```Could not resolve all artifacts for configura…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
### Description
on `Pressable` android_ripple={color: XXX} doesn't work correctly.
Here are issues:
- when user configure the android_ripple={color: "#FF0000"} => the ripple color is grey. Wha…
I'm trying to use an artifact stored in my local maven repository as a dependency for another project, like so (build.gradle file):
repositories {
I think it's a bug.because I can load it using gradle, but I can't load it using nothing (only inteliij, without gradle/maven), I already imported the jar and it is working, I can use all jar function…
### SQLDelight Version
### Application Operating System
### Describe the Bug
Hey maybe I just missed something, but I'm hosting a Kotlin/JS app on Github pages and this app included SQLD…
Currently, KLib dumps generated for several targets won't be merged with an error if these dumps contain different "unique library names".
In some cases, namely Kotlin Stdlib, the same library may …
3478f03cda0baaeeac3083c7b0cb8376b29ea580 のコミットにて発症。なお直接的な原因ではないため要調査
# 現象
- JSで作られたSoundScriptのモーター音のみ聞こえないor正しく再生されない
- ジョイントは正しく聞こえる
- Kotlinで作られたものには影響…