作者你好,我在复现您提供的github代码时出现了以下的报错,似乎和mmcv-full有关,我是通过pip install mmcv-full==1.3.0 -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/cu111/torch1.9.0/index.html以及pip install mmcv-full==1.3.0都尝试过,但都是这个报错。请问有什么解…
Hi, I installed mmcv and mmseg from source and both said installed successfully.
When run the demo, it reported:
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "demo/image_demo.py", line 6, in
Hi, I am using Ubuntu and I tried to install based on [get_started.md](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation/blob/v0.20.2/docs/get_started.md#installation). After all the steps and on verificat…
但我看您发的参考博客 要求是voc格式 我改成voc后仍出现问题
During the validation process has keyerror data_time
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/project/JT/SegFormer/tools/train.py", line 166, in
File "/home/project/JT/SegF…
Thanks for your error report and we appreciate it a lot.
1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help.
2. The bug has not been fixed in the latest version.
I have tried to reinstall the mmsegmentation from source, but it still break down with 'KeyError: 'ChangeCLIP is not in the mmseg::model registry. Please check whether the value of `ChangeCLIP` is cor…
Hello, I am looking for a way to forward propagation of `Mask2Former` using `EncoderDecoder`.
However, I get an error that there are not enough arguments for `forward` of `decoder_head`.
sample co…
Thanks for your error report and we appreciate it a lot.
1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help.
2. The bug has not been fixed in the latest version.
I replaced the backbone network of the segformer with the MAE model, and after iterating 16,000 iters, I performed the mIoU evaluation. The following error occurred. Is there a problem with the backbo…