I get:
Skipping analyzing "icalendar": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker - mypy
## Пояснение:
Выполнил все рекомендации. С момента установки я запускал от имени администратора батник только для и дискорда и сразу для дискорда + ютуба. Если запускаю бат дискорд + ютуб, то в терми…
Being a type focused tool, we should probably be using types correctly, and checking them in CI.
py2many/exceptions.py:8: error: Too many arguments for "__init__" of "object"
Type hinting was introduced in Python 3.5. Now that we no longer support older python versions (
Tridactyl version: 1.21.1
Firefox version: Mozilla Firefox 90.0.1
Operating system: win
# Reporting a bug / getting help
- Brief description of the problem:
tridactyl reactivates itself on …
I was a bit surprised when approaching the package by the complexity of the naming.
What surprised me :
1. the tool is named pyannotate but you must import pyannotate_runtime to use it
2. collec…
Use `UserNameSchema` to validate the new username on the frontend.
Thanks for ngram-type! Do you plan on having a layout shown around the typing area?
That would be great for learning new layouts.