root@OpenWrt:~# wget -qO- https://github.com/stupidloud/nanopi-openwrt/raw/master/scripts/autoupdate-bash.sh | ba
Downloading https://mirrors.tencent.com/lede/snapshots/targets/rockchip/…
Hello @tsgan
I read your post on opnsense.
[OPNsense 20.1 on NanoPI R1S (H5)](https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=15303.0)
Please pm me on opnsense forum so I can send an [Radxa RockPi E]…
Instead, that documentation describes the connection to muxPi board and nanoPi Neo. There is no clear description of the DUT connection. Not via ethernet, not via USB and nor UART. The documentation f…
nanopi r2s
可否增加一个Nanopi Neo2的固件action嘛,小白fork了几个蒙蔽中
Some test suites require having a Wi-Fi access point to exercise their 802.11 stack. We could plug a USB Wi-Fi dongle to our NanoPI and provide APIs (most likely simple wrappers around NetworkManager …
Hello, do you plan to make such a library for your s5p6818-based friendlyELEC-based cards? I have nanopi fire3 and smart6818 cards but I don't have gpio access other than sysfs. The sysfs interface do…
ImmortalWrt 23.05.4 官方原版固件可以正常使用
**Expected behavior**
The service could not be started after I enabled ATX.
would fail when trying to update the openWRT.