I'm refactoring implementation of postgres composite types in our app for the third time. Final solution I've arrived at is generic `PostgresCompositeType` class that can parse and be serialized into …
(moved from https://github.com/nextras/orm/issues/96)
Postgres can't change databases without reconnecting.
In our test suite, we'd like to create separate a test database with automatically generat…
``` php
* @property Image|NULL $image {1:1d ImagesRepository primary}
class Book extends Entity
* @return string
protected function getterImage()
f3l1x updated
9 years ago
in normalizeAndAddJoins method - if branch for "one has one" relation is missing.
Hi, is possible to find chields entitie for example like $entity->findBy(["type" => 2])->order(...) and sort?
Or it's bad practice?
Dokud nebude dokumentace k orm, šlo by toto upravit tak, aby se to dalo po stáhnutí hned použít?
config.local.example.neon -> config.local.neon
No a pak už dostávám hlášku
Is this expected behaviour? I suppose not as it isn’t IMHO consistent with [EntityDefaultValueTest::testSetNULLValue()](https://github.com/nextras/orm/blob/master/tests/cases/integration/Entity/entity…
I just tried your v3 migrations with Doctrine DBAL and I ran into few problems:
The main one:
Query is returning string "1" and therefore it is going to throw error LockException('Unable to …
When new table is added, exception is thrown:
Storage 'books' has not defined any primary key.
We should known that we don't have any info about the tabl…
hrach updated
9 years ago
Warning implode(): Invalid arguments passed
hrach updated
9 years ago