### Description
A few missing commands must be added to deprecate old global elements in favor of new Element APIs. Here is the complete list of commands:
- #4032
- #4036
- #4037 (with alia…
### Description of the bug/issue
When I use myPageObject.url() I expect the string generated/returned by the url function in my page object to be returned, but instead I receive a TypeScript error …
Headless Chrome is now built-in with Chrome 59 on Linux and Mac and from Chrome 60 on Windows. Seems like a great alternative to chromedriver, if it could be integrated. https://developers.google.com/…
## Description
Currently, only `Header` and `Footer` have component tests. However, these tests are naive. We need to update them and create new tests for all other components.
Add tests …
We need to update https://github.com/nightwatchjs/selenium-server-jar-download/blob/main/package.json#L8 to match the latest selenium server, 4.18 at time of raising this.
Hi followed your documentation and perfromed the following steps:
1. Created a report from the Nightwatch tests using `nightwatch-allure` lib (https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/reporters/use-nightwatch-…
$ npm run unit
> vue-esri@1.0.1 unit F:\documentbak\4_18\bak\vue-esri
> cross-env BABEL_ENV=test karma start test/unit/karma.conf.js --single-run
Hash: d0bd46439cb895b505fe
Version: w…
### Description of the bug/issue
When I view the documentation on https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/writing-tests/introduction.html it displays `browser.element.find('selector').assert.valueEquals('text…
I have two "wishes" for Nightwatch locators:
1. Support for all types of locators, not just xpath and css.
2. Automatic detection of the type of locator, xpath vs. css.
Re: #2. We have only 17 test c…
mam-p updated
8 years ago