Trying to run `west build -p auto -b nrf52dk_nrf52832 samples/rust-app/`, but I get:
/usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/clang/14.0.0/include/inttypes.h:21:15: fatal error: 'inttypes.h' file not found
**Issue by [hnhoan](https://github.com/hnhoan)**
_Monday Oct 08, 2018 at 18:26 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/hnhoan/csnano/issues/3_
**Issue by [crowd-supply-projects](https:/…
**Describe the bug**
When operating OTA update in iOS using nrfConnect (the official APP), we found an issue like this:
xx means the ID
peripheral.writeValue(0x0201, for: xx, type: .withResponse)…
Hello there.
We have the MDEK1001 kit of DecaWave and we realized that it's API doesn't allow us to control the transmission in any way we want or run our own custom code, and we were wondering abo…
Just noticed this...
* STM32F1 - __aeabi_dadd = ~600 bytes
* nRF51 - __aeabi_dadd = ~1700 bytes
I guess it could be Cortex M0 vs M3 - but that seems like a hell of a difference
I am trying to use 2 SPI buses and 1 I2C bus. SPI bus is connected to an SD card and SPI1 is connected to sensor A and I2C is connected to sensor B.
I used the following pins for each bus:
**Issue by [hnhoan](https://github.com/hnhoan)**
_Monday Oct 08, 2018 at 18:26 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/hnhoan/csnano/issues/4_
**Issue by [crowd-supply-projects](https:/…
**Issue by [hnhoan](https://github.com/hnhoan)**
_Monday Oct 08, 2018 at 18:26 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/hnhoan/csnano/issues/9_
**Issue by [crowd-supply-projects](https:/…
**Issue by [hnhoan](https://github.com/hnhoan)**
_Monday Oct 08, 2018 at 18:26 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/hnhoan/csnano/issues/10_
**Issue by [crowd-supply-projects](https:…
there are problems:
C:\nRF5_SDK_12.0.0_12f24da\examples\peripheral\mpu9250\pesky\blank\armgcc>make all
Makefile:238: Cannot find source file: ../../../../../external/motion_driver_6.12/core/dri…