After restarting the openHAB system (Docker container on Raspberry Pi 5), the "lastseen" items from the Network Binding are overwritten with UNDEF if the devices are not reachable …
Running 'sudo podman run --rm -it --privileged --pull=newer --security-opt label=type:unconfined_t -v /var/lib/libvirt/images/output:/output -v /var/lib/libvirt/images/config.json:/config.json …
cargo mutants --in-place
`--in-place` is necessary because the tests operate on Herostratus itself as a Git repository, and use paths relative to the test CWD to do so.
Hey @egh!
I'm trying to use XJSLT in a project where we run XSLTs to transform dita content. We are in a NodeJS flow, so XJSLT is a great fit to circumvent any Java / JDK dependencies that we do no…
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其他基于 Chromium 的浏览器
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### 请详细描述问题
Hi, we like …
I'd be interested to test an online demo since the video only gives 1 example.
Following some of the issues reported by HLT and Operations in the past weeks, it would be worthwhile to implement an online-like workflow covering at least the DAQ, HLT and online DQM aspects, and ad…
I followed all of the guide but it gives out a libschism.a and a depend.out file. No executable file created in the src folder.
Sorry if this question is a beginner problem, Im new to Linux and Compi…
Já vir preenchido com um esqueleto com um teste básico
QGIS Server is certified for WMS 1.3.0 for several years now and OGC tests are run in continuous integration with GitHub Action on a daily basis (for each PR actually).
Lastly we tried to…